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In this write up, I will be going over a fun project I completed using the Python programming language. The aim for this project was to create a password strength checker. Ensuring that your passwords are strong is key to reducing the chances of it possibly being brute forced by a hacker.

This is the first part of the code:

As you can see, I specified that the characters we would include would be upper case letters, lower case letters, special characters, and digits. I also grabbed a common passwords list from Google to make sure the passwords weren’t on it when it came time to check. I personally chose to do my ranking from 0-7 and added a point each time one of the requirements listed was met.

This is the second half of the code:

This second half of the code simply shows more of the requirements that were set as well as the text I wanted printed out based on the score my password received. I will provide examples below.

This is the result of using “dog123” as a weak password example:

This is the result of using “mynameisbob” which is an example of another weak password, but one that’s not in the common passwords list:

This is the last result of using “Quarterpetblue23*!jake” as an example of a strong password: